The Soul Detox

The Soul Detox


This is a tool for inner healing that can be utilized as "self-help" on a personal basis, or as a guide for private ministry counsel.

Being educated and experienced in multiple areas of ministry, trained in several inner healing/deliverance and psychology programs, recognized as a certified life coach, and operating as a natural encourager, I have put together "The Soul Detox," which combines Ministry, Motivation, and Mindset. The Soul Detox uses Biblical principles and truths while using practical methods and applications to achieve the desired result of feeling unburdened and free from past trauma and mistakes. The Soul Detox is designed to help you achieve a greater quality of life and break down the mental, emotional, and spiritual limits that keep you from reaching your life goals and full potential in Christ.

The Soul Detox Program is a unique inner-healing and deliverance program in which the goal is to discover which root problems, traumatic memories, destructive behaviors, and wrong mindsets hinder your ability to reach your full potential mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Receiving this level of inner healing should help you move forward and live out healthy relationships, set healthy boundaries, experience an increased quality of life, and view yourself from a biblical perspective rather than your past experiences. The Soul Detox Program is a ministry of healing, freedom, and restoration – healing your soul, freeing you from life-distorting lies and mental strongholds, and restoring your connection to God, your true potential, and your life purpose.

"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2 NKJV

Of course, we want to prosper in everything and walk in divine favor, blessings, and health! When we think of the word "prosper," we often think of things that are tangible, like owning property and materialistic things, having high finances, and being overall healthy and physically well. Here, prospering outwardly is related to prospering inwardly. What does it mean to have a prosperous soul? And what if our soul is a wreck? What if I'm prosperous on the outside, but my soul is wounded?

When John approaches the topic of prosperity, he refers to "all things" that could be tangible and "health," which can be seen and felt physically, and then he mentions the soul. Our soul is the intangible part of us that makes us who we are. This is our character, emotions, thoughts, and memories. John says that he prays that we prosper in all tangible and physical areas of our lives as our souls should already prosper. This gives me the impression that the focus and priority of where we should desire to prosper is our soul, and everything else is secondary.

Matthew 10:28 tells us, "Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell." The focus of prosperity and our well-being should be our soul! Our bodies and belongings are temporary, but our souls are eternal, and it should be a priority to align our souls with God's will for our lives. Yet so many of us have become so focused on outward prosperity and blessings that we have completely ignored the stagnant, passionless condition of our wounded and diseased souls.

One bad experience with someone can wound a person enough to see themselves or see all others in a negative light, like the one who hurt them. This is why some people have a bad church experience, completely leave the faith, and avoid every church afterward. Soul wounds are real, but leaving them undealt can cause the wounded person to believe a lie of the enemy and see the world through distorted lenses. We can't see clearly looking through distorted lenses. We may be able to function decently with wounds, but we may end up bleeding on others without realizing it.

Betrayal, accusation, abuse, sin, loss, rejection, and discouragement can really cut deep and leave a long-lasting negative impact. How does it get fixed? How do we approach it? Like John, we should want to prosper in every area of our lives but especially desire for the people of God to be excellent and prosperous in our souls. Be encouraged to pray and seek the Lord on your own to figure out if there's a wound you need to address. Speak to those in a close relationship with you and ask if they believe you are still holding onto hurt or trauma from your past. Whatever you're facing or dealing with, you're not alone. Let us rebuke ungodly mindsets and emotions, let go of traumatic memories, and choose to forgive those who have hurt us intentionally. Release the lies the enemy spoke over you and receive the truth of Jesus. ​

Do we all have super messed up souls? No, of course not. We may face ugly situations that we heal from and can be left with a scar as a reminder. However, some people take longer to heal than others, and some pretend to be healed and completely avoid confronting the situations that wounded them. If we want physical healing, that means taking medicine, getting stitches, and sometimes going through surgery, all of which can be unpleasant but are necessary! It's the same when it comes to healing soul wounds, some things have hurt us that sometimes need to be confronted and dealt with in order to be set free from the pain truly. 

After coming to Christ and receiving salvation, our minds still need to be renewed. Old worldly mindsets can keep our hearts hardened to the things of God and keep us from wanting to receive correction. Old ways are tainted by lust and deception, which is why learning the truth breaks the lies we believe and set us free from ways that hold us back spiritually. The scripture above says, "Don't sin by letting anger control you", and "Anger gives a foothold to the devil." Emotions were never meant to lead our actions; the Holy Spirit was. Willingly holding onto anger or other negative emotions, thoughts, and desires gives the enemy room to manipulate you using those "footholds." This is why in scripture we are constantly told to forgive, so we can release those burdens and footholds. We often blame our circumstances or emotions on what the enemy is doing and can assume its witchcraft and spiritual warfare. While this may be true, sometimes the curse that needs to be broken isn't witchcraft, but the words and actions that came against you and kept you down by wounding your soul and hindering your spiritual walk.

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat it's fruits." Proverbs 18:21 ESV

We normally use this scripture to teach believers to be careful with their words, but what happens when others are not careful with their words and actions against us? We can't control what happens to us, but we can control how we choose to respond to it and how long we hold onto it. If you hold onto what someone said and did against you long enough, you'll start to believe lies that were projected at you. Jesus is the Spirit of Truth that came to set you free, but you will remain bound in some way as long as you believe a lie. Scripture tells us multiple times that there is power in agreement. By believing a lie you are coming into agreement with what the enemy said over you and giving that situation power over how you see yourself, how you see others, and how you move forward in life. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and some believers have such heavy burdens and trauma that they are unable to see good in themselves and speak death over themselves because of that. If that's you, you could be the weapon formed against yourself causing yourself not to prosper internally and externally.

The fruit of your like will be determined by how you live your life, what you speak, how you act, and your obedience to God and His Word. We all face seasons of change, and our circumstances can fluctuate, but if there's constantly rotten fruit in your life, there's a good chance there's a rotten foothold somewhere that you haven't addressed yet. Sometimes it hasn't been addressed because it's been repressed. We may think we've dealt with it, but really only placed a band-aid on something that needed deep surgery. We may think we don't have to deal with it because we function just fine, but the pain could still be buried beneath the surface and infecting your soul with anger, bitterness, grief, anxiety, addiction, depression, feelings of worthlessness, sleepless nights, people-pleasing, etc.

This is where The Soul Detox comes in. Many people know they are carrying burdens and past trauma but don't know where to start. Others have no clue what they are carrying until certain words, situations, or memories trigger them to react emotionally or out of usual character. The Soul Detox process I created under the unction of the Holy Spirit helps organize thoughts and gives a thorough "blueprint" of where to begin to identify trauma, and steps to bring healing to those areas.


The process of The Soul Detox begins with analyzing what I call "trigger words" and determining which words stir up negative emotions, memories, or images of people who have hurt you. When reading or saying a specific word that bring up something that still hurts, that is the exposure of a trauma root that has not been dealt with. Healed people can discuss painful topics from their past without still feeling wounded, unhealed people relive it as if it is still a current reality. The next part addresses each of the words that triggered something negative and takes you through six steps to ensure every attachment has been broken off emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even physically. These six steps help to break off false beliefs, release hurt through forgiveness, cut ties with any spiritual hindrances, and dispose of triggers that may still be present. The Trigger Word List and 6 Steps will be listed in the next section.

Step 1: To help you go through this process because sometimes it can be really emotionally and spiritually draining, I suggest you fast and pray deeply before starting the process and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal things that you may not even remember that have been pushed to the back of your mind. Understand that this is a process so changes can come gradually as you move forward at your own pace. If there is any demonic bondage present you may experience different forms of spiritual warfare, this is why it's important to pray deeply before beginning the process and come against anything that would keep you from receiving your inner healing.

Step 2: Once you are ready to begin, find a place that is quiet where you can be by yourself and then go through the list of the 50 trigger words with a journal or notebook next to you. Close your eyes and say each of those words one by one. If you get an ugly memory, an image of a person who hurt you, feel a negative emotion, or even feel a pain in your body, go ahead and write that word down and start listing each word that does that to you. How you relate to the words may vary. It may be something you did, something someone else did to you, or something you experienced another way that caused the trauma. If it has a negative effect on you, just write the word down. You may think you have dealt with the situation already, but if it still has an effect on you there may be something else that needs to be addressed and it's best to be thorough.

Step 3: Once you've gone through the entire list and wrote down just the words that affect you or that you know for a fact you are dealing with then you can go through the process of following the six steps. Not all of those steps will apply to you for each word, so you only have to do the ones that you know apply to that specific situation. The first step is repent, but if you didn't do anything and it was something that someone else did you can go ahead and skip that step. Once you finish all of the steps that apply, go to that word again and see if another memory, person, or negative emotion pops up so you can redo the process with this new memory. You continue doing that until all of the trauma related to that specific word has been dealt with and the word no longer carries the same emotional weight that it did before. 
Once you are finished with your first word you can go ahead and move on to your second and continue the process until you have gone through each of the words on your list.

Step 4: Once you have completed going through all the words, go back and look at your list and see if maybe you need some type of counsel regarding any of them. Just to make sure you get it fully taken care of, not all of the words will require this. If you completed the steps and certain words still feel heavy, you may need to receive prayer from a spiritual leader in your life to help break off any residue still lingering. On occasion there may be a demonic spirit attached to, or entered through the trauma that needs to be expelled. Deliverance is a lifestyle and there is no need to feel shame with the process. Jesus came to set the captives free, so move forward at all costs towards the goal of complete freedom as you detox your soul from unnecessary baggage.


Trauma can hinder and affect people mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. True inner healing will positively affect all those areas. As each Trauma Word may relate to different instances, the relief felt may result in mental clarity and more positive mindset, emotional stability, confidence in spiritual identity through faith in God's Word ,and even the reduction of physical illnesses and ailments. Remember to close your eyes as you say each word. Take a deep breath, see if anything comes up, and write the word in your journal/spiral. If nothing comes up, skip the word and move on. At the end of this step, you will see how many issues/situations you are dealing with out of the 50 most common.

  1. Abandonment
  2. Abortion
  3. Abuse
  4. Addiction
  5. Adultery
  6. Anger
  7. Anxiety
  8. Betrayal
  9. Bitterness
  10. Competition
  11. Confusion
  12. Control
  13. Depression
  14. Divorce
  15. Failure
  16. Fear
  17. Frustration
  18. Greed
  19. Guilt
  20. Hatred
  21. Idolatry
  22. Immorality
  23. Insecurity
  24. Jealousy
  25. Laziness
  26. Loneliness
  27. Lust
  28. Lying
  29. Manipulation
  30. Molestation
  31. Obsession
  32. Occultism
  33. Over/Under Indulgence
  34. Paranoia
  35. Perfectionism
  36. Perversion
  37. Pride
  38. Rage
  39. Rape
  40. Rebellion
  41. Rejection
  42. Selfishness
  43. Slander
  44. Suicide
  45. Unbelief
  46. Unworthiness
  47. Vanity
  48. Victim Mentality
  49. Violence
  50. Witchcraft

If you have trouble understanding what some of the words mean, research the definition online and see if it describes something you are facing. Avoid skipping words you don't understand because it may need to be something you need to address.


Is there something I said or did that goes
 against God's word and need to ask God forgiveness for? If so, what?
● Pray and ask God for forgiveness and for him to remove and spiritual consequences you may still be experiencing.
● Pray and ask God to help you refrain from making those decisions again in the future by filling you with the Holy Spirit.

Is there someone related to this word that I still have a grudge against and need to forgive? If so, who?

● Talk to them as if they are in the room and let them know you will no longer be affected by them as you choose to forgive them.
● You may also write a letter to them to release your thoughts and emotions on paper and then destroy the letter once you are finished.

Is there something I did, said, or believed that goes against God and comes into agreement with the enemy or his lies? If so, what?
● Speak out loud the words and actions you previously enacted on that you no longer agree with and wish to cut all ties with.
Ex: "I renounce my previous ways of...", "I renounce what I spoke when I said...", "I renounce the lie that I am..."
● Then speak God's biblical truth over yourself to replace what you are renouncing. Research and quote scriptures that apply.
Ex: "I am no longer... because God's
 Word says that I am...", "I come into agreement with God's truth that.

Is there something someone else said or did to me that has negatively affected or influenced me in some way? If so, what?
●Speak out loud that you rebuke and are choosing to cast out this experience from your life in every way, shape, and form.
Ex: "I rebuke the lies spoken about me that said I was...", "I rebuke the spirit of...", "I rebuke the feelings I have carried of..."
Then speak God's biblical truth over yourself which should be exact opposite of what you are rebuking.
Ex: "I speak truth
 over myself which is that...", "I receive the Holy Spirit and no other spirit in my life", "I choose to no longer feel like..."

Is there something mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically that has felt broken that I would like God to restore?
● Make a list of the negative implications that resulted from this word and what areas in your life you would like for God to restore.
Ex: restored relationship, feeling peace, uninterrupted sleep, clarity of mind, 
restored confidence, passion for life, etc...
Pray and ask God to restore whatever you feel has been lost or broken due to the trauma and bondage related to this word. Go through your list one by one and ask God to bring restoration to those areas as if the trauma you experienced never happened.

Is there anything I own or have access to that somehow negatively ties me to this word that I need to get rid of or pull away from?

If there is something currently in your life that causes you to reminisce or remember the trauma and you have the ability to remove it, take the time to do so.
Ex: gifts from someone who hurt you, pictures that remind you of past pain, personal 
belongings that bring back your old life and hold you back

Once you have completed going through these questions and steps for a Trauma Word, say the word out loud again with your eyes
 closed and see if anything else comes to mind. If another negative memory or situation comes up, repeat the questions and steps. Continue until the Trauma Word no longer carries weight or affects your memories or emotions as it previously did. Move on to the next Trauma Word and continue until all selected Trauma Words have been addressed and completed. Use these same tools regularly to ensure continual freedom from mental instability, emotional burdens, spiritual hindrances, and even physical ailments related to trauma and stress.